Saturday, March 30, 2013

Waldorf toys

Dear readers: I want to share here some very interesting photos Waldorf toys I'm learning to do in workshops offered by the Asociación Waldorf Sevilla "Girasol".

Rafael Tellez Romero   

Waldorf education is a very active and methodology based on the promotion of creativity, language and artistic skills, all without leaving aside the teaching of science and promoting accountability. To expand on the subject I recommend my introductory article on Waldorf education.
The Waldorf school students learn to build their own toys made ​​from natural materials and thus stimulate the imagination.

Rafael Tellez Romero
 The snail is a simple example, using a twisted yarn between two alumni / ae, you get a fat cord that can be manipulated to create a snail or for different uses in symbolic play.
Rafael Tellez Romero
 The mouse made ​​it to you with a nutty nutshell and felt. Work involves fine motor skills and concentration: accurate also cooperate with someone older to handle the glue.
Rafael Tellez Romero
 The difficulty involves dwarf, you have to cut the felt, sew, wool pressing and filling. Recommended for students mallores slightly, or to encourage cooperation between students of different ages.

This is just a sample of what Waldorf education is, for more information:
Asociación Walfdorf Sevilla "Girasol".

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