Sunday, March 31, 2013

Support your own project: Change Your Life

Self-Awareness, Coaching, Education, Psychology

Dear reader, I am going to reflect on something that can transform our relationship with ourselves:

How many times we let our personal projects later? How many times we work hard and we give the best of ourselves in other projects?

Sure sounds like the situation you: at work or in a partnership you are able to give my best to you, strictly fulfill the commitments with your boss and your colleagues.As it should be! And that honors you as a professional and as a colleague.

Now consider another thing when you have to work for a project that is yours, yours ... you involve intimately so much energy? Would you spend so much time? Do you strive to obtain maximum results?

Unfortunately not usually the case, always leave it for another day or so and abandon our dreams begin immediately ...
  Many times we ask even have personal projects or initiatives since, force quit, we have lost the habit of dreaming.

Tell you what: change the equation. Reflect, choose your project and jump to get it. You know very well, better than anyone: know what you're capable of achieving. In fact, as we discussed earlier you get every day when you work for others, so: you can get the same energies mobilized to fulfill your dreams.
Do not give up!
Dare to support you!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Waldorf toys

Dear readers: I want to share here some very interesting photos Waldorf toys I'm learning to do in workshops offered by the Asociación Waldorf Sevilla "Girasol".

Rafael Tellez Romero   

Waldorf education is a very active and methodology based on the promotion of creativity, language and artistic skills, all without leaving aside the teaching of science and promoting accountability. To expand on the subject I recommend my introductory article on Waldorf education.
The Waldorf school students learn to build their own toys made ​​from natural materials and thus stimulate the imagination.

Rafael Tellez Romero
 The snail is a simple example, using a twisted yarn between two alumni / ae, you get a fat cord that can be manipulated to create a snail or for different uses in symbolic play.
Rafael Tellez Romero
 The mouse made ​​it to you with a nutty nutshell and felt. Work involves fine motor skills and concentration: accurate also cooperate with someone older to handle the glue.
Rafael Tellez Romero
 The difficulty involves dwarf, you have to cut the felt, sew, wool pressing and filling. Recommended for students mallores slightly, or to encourage cooperation between students of different ages.

This is just a sample of what Waldorf education is, for more information:
Asociación Walfdorf Sevilla "Girasol".

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Waldorf Education

Waldorf´s Educational Toy
Dear readers: I present a brief comment on a methodology that I find most interesting, Waldorf education.The origin of Waldorf education can be found in the Austrian scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Steiner developed a philosophical system called anthroposophy, in the author's words: "Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge that would lead to the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe." A fundamental part of that system found philosophical approaches and educational practices that are known as Waldorf education.The name comes from the first Waldorf school that Rudolf Steiner created precisely to educate the children of the workers of the Waldorf Astoria cigarette factory in Stuttgart, Germany. After almost one hundred years since then, and due to its success, Waldorf schools have expanded and consolidated over 90 countries. Today Waldorf school is recognized as a serious educational alternative and is recognized by UNESCO.

But ... what makes a school different from the conventional Waldorf?Waldorf education is an educational model that achieves the goals set by the basic curricula of the countries in which their schools are implanted.The key difference is in how: how teachers address teaching and everyday students in a Waldorf school education makes this one very unique way to educate.
The teaching methodology is so large and complex that it requires, in addition to a university degree, postgraduate training several years.I recently met a partnership that aims to create a Waldorf school in Seville, Seville Waldorf Association "Sunflower". The association is developing introductory workshops to publicize its methodology.The first impression I are raising these workshops is: The Waldorf School consciousnesses required by the entire school community. The candidate has to undertake a process of self-knowledge during their training and continuous review of the process for its educational work. The student's family has to be involved in the work of the school, participate and create an educational climate similar to home school there. The student is supervised by a teacher / a from the start of the day, the first act on entering class is the greeting, in which the teacher / to look at each student / ay notices their mood to try and support during classes. The artistic and creative activities, which both define this school, are imbued with a responsible job and focus on the student develops work habits awareness.In short: I'm enjoying it a lot this approach to education and I hope that soon all have the news of the creation of a Waldorf school in Seville.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Psychological coping against grooming

Psychological coping against grooming by Rafa Tellez

Human beings have developed over the centuries capabilities and social skills which uses both to improve their cooperation and social life in pursuit of the common good, and to influence and manipulate others for their own benefit. There is everything in this world and we all use a greater and lesser extent our abilities for altruism or for the benefit. The problem is that sometimes we are not aware of the strategies used by person or entities willing to influence our behavior so far as they do for them.Many of these strategies are based on taking advantage of socially accepted rules of behavior, we learn from small and they are very good to get along with others, for example:-You have to fulfill commitments and be consistent (which we think and we have to agree with what we do).-We need to respond well to others and treat them as we treat ourselves.-You have to give importance to behaviors that everyone repeats.-You have to evaluate things very scarce.-You have to be inclined to respond to requests that make us friends or people who seem friendly or sympathetic.-We must accept and comply with the advice we give people authority figures.These are some of those tips that we have learned from small and guide many of our behaviors often without us being aware of them, are in principle good to live in society, the problem is when some people use them to their advantage.Social psychologist Robert Cialdini in his study of influence processes identifies these basic psychological principles underlying these processes and some of the explicit manipulation tactics that take advantage of them, for example:1 Strategies that rely on the commitment-consistency principle: The manipulator is based on taking advantage of our ideas about to be fulfilled commitments and consistent, with tactics such as:1.1 Tactical Foot in the Door: The manipulator engages us with a proposal recently engaged and asks us to do something inexpensive, then we ask new shares and to be consistent with our commitment we will be guided to do. The victim of tampering is suspected or feel any pressure.1.2 Tactical Base Ball: The manipulator makes an attractive offer and get the victim to commit, once obtained the commitment, the handler changes the conditions of the offer, which is not as beneficial, although normally remains committed foot and the victim complies. Consider for instance some commercial bargains or week, when we decided to buy these deals may no longer be valid, but the weight of our decision to buy a less continuous and advantageous.Two strategies that are based on the principle of reciprocity: The handler takes advantage of our spirit to correspond to everyone who does us a favor or offers a gift with tactics how are you:2.1 Tactics that's not all: The manipulator service offers a gift or low value (or high value if you expect much benefit), once we have accepted that gift us a request that we will be committed to reciprocate. Sometimes you do not need to give away anything, just the seller to take a lot of effort and time messing dedicating entire store for you, that you'll buy something in return.2.2 Tactical slammed in the face: The manipulator asks us something very expensive you know we're going to deny, then asks a favor simpler (we really thought the call) and we will have to grant it to compensate for denying the help at first. This technique is widely used in negotiations where it begins "bluffing" to download after the demands and create the appearance that both parties give up something.3. Strategies based on the principle of social validation: The manipulator convinces his victim leveraging the common idea that if something is commonly accepted that is so ...Tactic 3.1: What makes a majority. Encourages our feelings of identity and seeks our imitation of what everyone else does, with arguments like that is normal everywhere, that is, two million people have already bought etc ...3.2 Tactics. List of people like: The manipulator we dealt with his claims by presenting a list of people who have already entered, for example: "this and that neighbors have signed with us."To make a long this post, I close here for now, I hope your comments and contributions (principle of reciprocity: as I have given you something, I hope you do something), just kidding (not). Society and how it works is not so bad, but if recapacitamos on our vulnerabilities and abuses we prevent things will go a little better.That said, if you want to continue talking about it: you just have to say.